Source Code

What is Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors is a game where two players simultaneously choose one of three options: rock, paper, or scissors. The player who wins the most games wins the game.

It is clear that the game is a pure chance game regarding statistics if players truly randomly choose their choices. However, it is not the case for human behaviour.

The study Social cycling and conditional responses in the Rock-Paper-Scissors game suggest that the game is not purely chance game, but rather a game that is dependent on human behaviour. The study concludes as follows:

  • If you lose the previous round, switch to the thing that beats the previous opponent’s choice
  • If you win the previos round, switch the the thing that beats your previous choice

Easy to understand, isn’t it?

Experimental Procedures

Even though the strategy is easy to understand, it is impossible to implement human behaviour on computers (at least for now). So, I decided to recreate a game playing against a computer for the sake of learning.

  1. Create a game engine (
DESCRIPTION: A game engine for Rock Paper Scissors against the computer.
AUTHOR: Nuttaphat Arunoprayoch (@nuttaphat)
DATE: 24-Jan-2022
import random

class RockPaperScissors:
    """A game engine class for Rock Paper Scissors against the computer.

    def __init__(self):
        self.choices = ['r', 'p', 's']
        self.player_score = 0
        self.computer_score = 0
        self.draws = 0
        self.times_played = 0

        self.player_last_played = {
            'choice': None,
            'result': None,
        self.computer_last_played = {
            'choice': None,

    def show_summary(self) -> None:
        """Display statistical results
        if not self.times_played:
            text = 'No games played yet.'
            won_rate = self.player_score / self.times_played
            text = f"""
            --------------------- Summary ----------------------
                Played {self.times_played} times.
                You won {self.player_score} times.
                The computer won {self.computer_score} times.
                Draws: {self.draws} times.
                Player won {won_rate * 100}% of the time.


        return None

    def play(self, n: int = 1, autoplay=False, apply_strategy=False) -> None:
        """Play game n times.
            n (int, optional): times to be played. Defaults to 1.
            autoplay (bool, optional): randomly choose a hand for player
            apply_strategy (bool, optional): apply a strategy to the player
        while n > 0:
            # Computer picks a hand
            computer_hand = self.__pick_hand().lower()

            # Player picks a hand
            if autoplay:
                player_hand = self.__strategic_pick_hand() if apply_strategy else self.__pick_hand()
                player_hand = str(
                    input('Enter your choice [r, p, s]: '))

            print(f'Player picked [{player_hand}]')
            print(f'Computer picked [{computer_hand}]')

            if player_hand not in self.choices:
                print('Invalid choice! Try again.')

            # Determine winner (player-based)
            result = self.__determine_result(player_hand, computer_hand)
            if result == 0:
                print('It\'s a draw!')
                self.draws += 1
            elif result == 1:
                self.player_score += 1
                print(f'You won! Computer picked {computer_hand}')
            elif result == 2:
                self.computer_score += 1
                print(f'Computer won! Computer picked {computer_hand}')

            # Update other stats
            self.times_played += 1
                'choice': player_hand,
                'result': result,
                'choice': computer_hand,
            n -= 1

        # Display summary

        return None

    def __determine_result(self, player_hand: str, computer_hand: str) -> int:
        """Return the result of a round
            player_hand (str): A hand from the list of choices by player
            computer_hand (str): A hand from the list of choices by computer
            int: {
                0: draw,
                1: player wins,
                2: computer wins
            ValueError: if player_hand or computer_hand is not in choices
        if not player_hand or not computer_hand:
            raise ValueError('Invalid input!')

        if player_hand == computer_hand:
            return 0

        return 1 if self.__player_won(player_hand, computer_hand) else 2

    def __player_won(player_hand: str, computer_hand: str) -> bool:
        """Check if player wins a round
            player_hand (str): A hand from the list of choices
            computer_hand (str): A hand from the list of choices
            bool: Did Player win or not?
        return (player_hand == 'r' and computer_hand == 's') or \
            (player_hand == 'p' and computer_hand == 'r') or \
            (player_hand == 's' and computer_hand == 'p')

    def __pick_hand(self) -> str:
        """Get a hand randomly from the list of choices.
            str: A random hand from the list of choices.
            ValueError: if choices is empty
        if not self.choices:
            raise ValueError('No choices available!')

        return random.choice(self.choices).lower()

    def __pick_winning_hand(self, hand: str) -> str:
        """Get a winning hand based on a given play
            hand (str): A hand from the list of choices
            str: A winning hand from the list of choices
            ValueError: if hand is not given or not in choices
        if not hand or hand not in self.choices:
            raise ValueError('Invalid input!')

        winning_hand = None
        if hand == 'r':
            winning_hand = 'p'
        elif hand == 'p':
            winning_hand = 's'
        elif hand == 's':
            winning_hand = 'r'

        return winning_hand.lower()

    def __strategic_pick_hand(self) -> str:
        """Get a hand based on the player last played
            str: A hand from the list of choices based on the player last played
        if not self.player_last_played.get('choice'):
            return self.__pick_hand()

        # In case of a draw and a win, pick the hand that beats the player's last hand
        hand = None
        if self.player_last_played.get('result') in [0, 1]:
            hand = self.__pick_winning_hand(
        # In case of a loss, pick the hand that beats to the computer's last hand
        elif self.player_last_played.get('result') == 2:
            hand = self.__pick_winning_hand(

        return hand.lower()
  1. Create main function (
PROJECT: Rock Paper Scissors
DESCRIPTION: A simple game of rock paper scissors against the computer.
AUTHOR: Nuttaphat Arunoprayoch (@nuttaphat)
DATE: 24-Jan-2022

from game_engine import RockPaperScissors

def main():
    print("Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!")
    game = RockPaperScissors(), autoplay=True, apply_strategy=True)
    return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Run the code to start an experiment
  1. Result
  • Without strategic play:
--------------------- Summary ----------------------
    Played 300 times.
    You won 99 times.
    The computer won 102 times.
    Draws: 99 times.
    Player won 33.0% of the time.
  • With strategic play:
--------------------- Summary ----------------------
    Played 300 times.
    You won 100 times.
    The computer won 104 times.
    Draws: 96 times.
    Player won 33.33333333333333% of the time.


No sigficant difference at all. What was I thinking?